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SOBRE O BLOGUE: Bragança, o seu Distrito e o Nordeste Transmontano são o mote para este espaço. A Bragança dos nossos Pais, a Nossa Bragança, a dos Nossos Filhos e a dos Nossos Netos..., a Nossa Memória, as Nossas Tertúlias, as Nossas Brincadeiras, os Nossos Anseios, os Nossos Sonhos, as Nossas Realidades... As Saudades aumentam com o passar do tempo e o que não é partilhado, morre só... Traz Outro Amigo Também...
(Henrique Martins)


COLABORADORES LITERÁRIOS: Paula Freire, Amaro Mendonça, António Carlos Santos, António Torrão, Fernando Calado, Conceição Marques, Humberto Silva, Silvino Potêncio, António Orlando dos Santos, José Mário Leite. Maria dos Reis Gomes, Manuel Eduardo Pires, António Pires, Luís Abel Carvalho, Carlos Pires, Ernesto Rodrigues, César Urbino Rodrigues e João Cameira.
N.B. As opiniões expressas nos artigos de opinião dos Colaboradores do Blogue, apenas vinculam os respetivos autores.

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011

Some of the gastronomical delicacies from Trás-os-Montes

Different varieties of sausage
Unparalleled gastronomical delicaces are made from chestnuts obtained from the interior in the region of Trás-os-Montes that is found along the banks of the Douro River. It is at the table that the Trás-os-Montes native reveals himself. Doors with old latches are open wide to welcome friends who come in, and those who enter with good intentions are always regarded as friends. A table traditionally laden with smoked (meats) and different varieties of sausage can be found near an old-fashioned fireplace, where the flames and smoke give rise to specialities all their own. The latter include goog-quality pork meat obtained from pigs that are always privileged and nourished with potatoes and rye; species of game that are predominantly raised abound and constitute a very expressive visiting card; or the cattle that are raised through indigenous breeds such as the barrosã, maronesa and mirandesa.
The mirandesa fillet is widely appreciated, specially on special occasions, when the joy of feasting and the enthusiasm of popular festivities appear as a crystal-clear manifestation of the spirit of the people of Trás-os-Montes.

in Trás-os-Montes, an old magazine from the Turism Regions of "Nordeste Transmontano", "Alto Tâmega e Barroso" and "Serra do Marão"

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